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a gangster is a criminal who is a member of a gang. some gangs are considered to be part of organized crime. gangsters are also called mobsters, a term derived from mob and the suffix ster. gangs provide a level of organization and resources that support much larger and more complex criminal transactions than an
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gangster définitions français : retrouvez la définition de gangster, ainsi que les synonymes dictionnaire, définitions, section_expression, conjugaison, synonymes, homonymes, difficultés, citations.
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there are two types of "gangster": ) a wannabe thug, often illiterate and an inhabitant of a downtrodden ghetto that hangs around in "gangs"; largely associated with the africanamerican subculture. these tryhard wanna be "gangstas" attempt to make themselves appear like real criminals by graffiting buildings,
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definition of gangster a member of a gang of violent criminals.
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gangster music channel: gangster gang legend music follow our instagram: gangstergangmusic.
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gangsta off the suicide squad soundtrack available now! itunes: apple music
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gangster came into the english language at the latter portion of the th century, as one of what is now a large parcel of words which have been formed by adding the noun combining form ster to an existing word. the ending ster has a number of possible meanings (“one that does, handles, or operates,” “one that makes
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a. − celui qui accomplit, seul ou en bande, des actes illégaux en usant de violences. film de gangster(s); jouer au gangster; gangsters en herbe; petit gangster. dans les bars et les dancings () éclatent les sanglants règlements de comptes entre danseurs, soupeurs, gangsters, entraîneuses, drogués, souteneurs,
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